Thursday, October 14, 2010

Puppies Galore!

Well, my daughter Holly and her husband Mike have their hands full -- literally, or is that 'litterally'?!!  They rescued a pregnant Brittany Spaniel from a shelter where she was only a day from being put down.  This poor thing is only 10 months old herself:

On Tuesday, September 28th, Dottie started delivering her puppies.  And delivering, and delivering.....
When she was done, she had birthed 16 puppies!!  3 did not make it so there are still 13 puppies remaining.  Holly and Mike are whipped taking care of them:

Dottie is a great little mother and tries her best to accommodate all those tiny pups but Mike & Holly have to bottle feed a few of them.  Their eyes and ears (yes, they're closed at birth too) have opened up and it won't be long before they start switching over to a baby oatmeal and then puppy dog food.  Dottie is eating 14-16 cups of food a day -- oh my!  Hope she keeps that girlish figure.

She really is a sweetie -- she even poses for the camera:


  1. Awww, so cute. Glad Dottie is doing great and most of the pups made it. One of my dogs smiles like Dottie, I just love that!

  2. 14-16 cups of food a day! YIKES!!!

    Although I think if I let her, my Billie could eat as much.

    Those pups are so cute. Sure hope they are able to find homes for all of them. Maybe one (or more) for "grandma"????

  3. Puppies!!! you need some of those!!!
    Dottie herself is adorable too. What a good daughter and SIL you have!


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