Saturday, October 30, 2010

Down in the dumps...

Doggone if I didn't miss the bus I wanted to take first thing this morning.  I missed it by 15 seconds, at most.  I had to return to the house and plan a new trip.  I left about an hour later which put me at the dealership an hour later, too.  Funny how that works, eh?

As I walked down to the end of the street where the used car lot was I saw a terrible sight.  The car I  wanted to look at was returning from a test drive with someone else.  I stepped up my pace in time to see two men exiting -- one was obviously the shopper and the other, complete with butt crack, was obviously his mechanic side kick. I studied them from a distance, letting Anthony the salesman know that THAT car was the one I came to buy.  Not meant to be.  The other guy drove off in MY car:
1999 Subaru Forester L  Sterling Heights, MI 48313 Click to enlarge this photo.

I test drove two minivans and walked away from both.  The first one was okay but didn't have the stow-n-go rear seat and I am neither tall enough nor strong enough to hoist that baby out of the car by myself.  The second minivan was out of gas and I stopped and put $5 in the tank, nabbing the receipt so I could get my money back from Anthony.  When I took that car on the expressway it started to vibrate so badly I wound up getting a free chair massage.

Not only did I walk away with no car but I forgot to get my stinkin' $5 back.  Poor me!  Back to the car listings for me......

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