Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ann Arbor Fiber Festival

Today's fiber diversion was a trip to the 4th Annual Ann Arbor Fiber Festival.  I was up and out early, arriving at Harriet's house at 7:45 AM.  From there we picked up Diane and we were on our way.  We made such good time that we stopped at McDonald's for a beverage before hitting the show.

There were more vendors than last year so this year they occupied 3 of the pole barn buildings at the fairgrounds.  There are was a gun show at the fairgrounds but fortunately they were located in a building far, far away from us.  We were early enough that there were no crowds for about an hour.  When we walked in we were greeted by:

We spent a total of 4 1/2 hours there.  I know -- what could we possibly find to do for that long???  Oh plenty.

The amazing and kind Suzanne Higgs of Hooked on Felt fame, showed a shopper how to wear one of her wonderful nuno felted wraps:

Even Harriet tried on a lovely piece:

We passed by a wet felted purse workshop:

Listened to the alpaca farm owner explain how he raises these beautiful alpaca:

We spotted this soft angora rabbit who kept trying to escape his Rubbermaid tote:

And saw this stoic alpaca who was a bit standoffish:

Here's Harriet, Diane and me, resting outside the main entrance:

And now for my big purchases of the day.  My favorite item is this squirrel cage.  Perched on top are the BSKG traveling sheep:

If you want info on this swift let me know.  And yes, I've already used it to turn a hank into a center pull ball.  I just clamped the winder to the top and voila!  I'm lovin' it.

I found this glittery stuff to use on a nuno felting project, whenever that is: 

And finally some yellow-orange roving to use to make a needle felted sunflower for a hat I sold to a customer at the Charlevoix Apple Festival:

So see, I really didn't get a lot. 

Oh, almost forgot something.  People are really kind.  Diane offered to help me find a job at her company.  Suzanne Higgs reminded me that things would get better.  A complete stranger asked if she could give me a hug when she overheard my 'work' conversation with Suzanne.  Rita Petteys of Yarn Hollow gave me 8 ceramic buttons to use on my hats and bags:

Such a fun way to spend the day.  Tomorrow will be spent getting my house organized cleaned purged so the appraiser can come and take photos of the house and I won't be too embarrassed.


  1. love the squirrel cage! Although the show was bigger, I didn't see much that I couldn't live without...

    are you appraising to refinance, for insurance? don't tell me that you're selling!

  2. In the process of refinancing. Every little bit helps.


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