Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Door to Door Organics

Week before last I saw a Groupon offer for home delivered organic produce from Door to Door Organics.com.  The offer was the $33 small box for only $16 -- I bought without hesitating.  Today when I got home from work this box was waiting for me in my kitchen:

And here is what was inside: 
(Something for Kevin)

And lots that we both will enjoy: 

Now there are a couple of items in the box that I'm unfamiliar with:  chard, red starkrimson pears, and kiwi berries.  Not a problem though because their website has recipes for their produce, too!  I didn't see anything for these items so I went instead to Serious Eats.com where I found what looks like a yummy recipe to use the chard in.  That will have to be dinner for tomorrow since I need the white beans and canned tomatoes.

Door to Door Organics includes instructions for storing your produce and also lets you know how soon you should consume the items for better flavor.  You can set up automatic delivery for every week or every two weeks and you can stop deliveries if you're going out of town.  I might sign up for every two weeks, just to be sure I'm actually able to eat everything they send me.

I think I'm going to cook the spinach tonight to have with my mac & cheese.  Gotta have something healthy....

P.S.  If you haven't signed up for Groupon yet -- what the heck are you waiting for??!!  You could be taking advantage of great deals like this one!


  1. I've sauteed chopped chard with olive oil & garlic, then add salt & pepper...mmmmm! Your basket looks lovely!

  2. Boy that looks good. I'm really hungry now. Sounds like a great deal.


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