Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Purple Hat

This hat that I finished knitting today makes 40, FORTY, 4-0 knit by me so far this year for my Fall shows.  The yarn was hand dyed and hand spun by a woman I know from my old guild.  It's a bit tangly and twisty so it made me a bit cranky when I knit with it, a little bit like the cranky woman who spun it.
It's a combination of Corriedale wool, mohair, and silk.  I used a double D decrease again:

While I used up all of the skein, I have another one with even more yardage.  I'm bound and determined to knit it up and be done with it.  I washed the first hat with the usual Head n Shoulders w/Conditioner in the bathroom sink.  It did release some extra dye and now it's drying outside over the top of a large peanut butter jar.

It's nice to be home for the night and not have to rush off somewhere.  Now I'm off to find a project to use up 139 yards of crankiness.  

P.S.  Happy Birthday Joyce!!


  1. I really like the looks of that cranky yarn!

  2. Suzanne~
    Thanks for the 'shout-out' on your blog! LOL! Thank you, too, for the e-card you sent. It was so nice of you to do that. I had a great day!
    The hats are looking good!


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