Saturday, May 29, 2010

Willy Nilly Bag #2

Today was such a busy day.  I started out by finishing another Willy Nilly bag ~~
It turned into a rainbow colorway, just because those were the colors left over after I made the first Willy Nilly bag.  I still need handles for both bags but haven't decided what kind to use just yet.  I'll knit a couple more things that need to be felted and get that done at the same time.

Next I spent two hours in the hot sun, weeding these out of my back flower beds ~~

Too bad this Japanese Ladybug lost her 'home' ~~

My Peonies are blooming like mad and are so beautiful ~~

I had asked Kevin to help me pull the weeds and he insisted he would have yanked these ~~
so I said 'no thanks' and moved on.  I can't remember what these purple flowers are but I know I planted them on purpose and they should stay.  Here's a picture of the Lavender that Maggie was stomping through yesterday when she was barking madly at the rabid skunk ~~

I still have plenty of work ahead for me tomorrow and/or Monday but I definitely want to get in some knitting and rug hooking time too.  Hard to balance work and fun isn't it??


  1. Suzanne--Your garden photos are gorgeous! (Do you mind me asking what kind of camera you use?
    ...or maybe it's just the photographer, not the camera?!?!?)
    I can't wait to see how your bag looks when it's fulled!! XXO-

  2. Thanks Heather. I bought a new camera in March and am still learning what it can do. It's a Nikon S8000 and I recently saw it on sale through Nikon for $270. It has 14.2 megapixels and 10X optical zoom, both features I wanted. I bought my last camera before I went to Alaska in 2006 and it only had 6 megapixels so this new one is so much better.

  3. Your purple/pink flowers are wild geranium. They spread like mad but they do look pretty. They are all over my front gardens!
    Have a good weekend.

  4. I love the colors you used in this bag, can't wait to see it finished:)

    I have a bunch of the white flowering weeds you just pulled out, I leave them, since they are about the only thing my dog hasn't been able to kill ;-)

  5. Beautiful colors in your bag! I really like it, and the name too :)


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