Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day and Wool Coat #4

I know, how can I possibly combine two completely different subjects in one blog post?  Easily.  I wish every mother out there the best possible day.  I had a super day and have a few pictures to share with you.

I started the day by going the Royal Oak In Bloom sale, where Kevin and I picked out what will hopefully be a great plant for my pots that sit in front of my porch.  Last year we got pansies and Kevin was disappointed because they didn't last all summer.  We picked out something that I will hopefully photograph in the next few days and after leaving them out today, I brought them inside because it's supposed to go down to 32º tonight!  I talked to Holly from her up north house today and she said it was snowing!  Egad -- May 9th and snow!!

Here's a shot of the plant sale today ~~
That's Kevin in the middle of the picture holding the two baskets, yakking it up with some people he doesn't know.  He's very friendly.  Until he realizes we're late picking up our crepe order at the What Crepe? restaurant.

Here are a couple of things I didn't buy ~~
Kevin nixxed both items, especially since our crepe order was ready.  Men don't usually get the concept of yard art.  There's always next year.

I put the finishing touches on Wool Coat #4 today.  I waffled on the lapel embellishment but finally decided on this ~~

The design on the back of the coat was my version of a design in the '1000 motifs for crafters' book by Alan D. Gear and Barry L. Freestone.
I enhanced three of the flowers with hand-stitched glass beading and outlined each leaf with a green wool yarn.  Someone asked me how many hours I had put into the work and I wasn't sure so I'll try to keep track of my time on the next coat.  At the very least I think there's about 8 hours into it.

Here's a close up of one of the flowers ~~

Kevin said not to put too much on the coat (remember he thinks like a man) but it is a large coat, probably size 14 or 16, so I figured it needed a bold design.  I'm really enjoying the beading and I remembered I had a nice little stash in an old tea tin -- woohoo!

I had to re-sew a couple of the buttons that were loose and tack down the corner of one pocket flap but now it's ready to be sold!

I had the chance to tidy up my craft room a bit since I was in search of some colorful roving.  It seems like it gets to be a mess when I turn my back.

Tomorrow I'm heading out to meet Holly after work for dinner in Rochester.  We'll be joined by my Mom, sister Denise, and niece Carla, who Holly is picking up at the Flint airport since it's so close to her school.  I know we'll have a great time, gabbing up a storm.

I'll leave you with a couple of shots of Columbine flowers in my front flower beds.  I love the ants!

I hope you have a great week!!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful work on the coat! I love your new twist on your art...


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