Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kind Offers

Today I was invited to knitting and dinner at the home of my knitting friend, Joan.  Don't you just love out of the blue invitations?  She made a delicious beef stroganoff dinner with a great salad, fresh asparagus and I picked up a olive oil/rosemary baguette to go with it.  Joan also invited our mutual friend Chris and together with Joan's husband Carl, we all enjoyed our hearty meal.  Joan was shocked when I turned down her offer for a glass of wine (remember I gave up alcohol for Lent, remind me not do that again).

Joan showed Chris and me some new fiber projects she's been working on.  One project used Tyvek that you melt with a hot iron.  You'd have to see it to believe it.  She's doing some marvelous dyeing and Shibori work with some scarves that she wove herself.  Absolutely beautiful results!

I finished working on the Teal Knit Hat that I just added to the completed list on the left.  I cast on for another hat using a skein of Zitron Fundus -- isn't that the oddest name for a yarn????  Unfortunately, while the ball band says you can use knitting needles from size 8 to size 10, I went down to a size 7 and it was still too loose.  So I frogged it and came home.  Tomorrow I'll cast on again, probably using a size 6 instead.

I did get a couple more inches done on my Sneaky Sheep Swap project.  I'm sweating though -- not sure I have enough yarn and the store has no more in that shade.  Thinking on my feet now......


  1. Since you only gave up wine SIX days a way, you just need to wrangle those invitations on a Sunday, when you DO drink!

  2. that was supposed to be 'six days a WEEK'! That's what I get for not proofreading....


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