Monday, March 8, 2010


What could I possibly have to complain about on a beautiful day like today?  Maybe I could start where I left off yesterday:  wheezing, coughing, dripping.  I called the doctor's office first chance I had and got a morning appointment.  Bronchitis was the diagnosis although I half thought it could have been pneumonia, the way my chest was rattling.  Never without my knitting, I worked on this hat while I waited an hour for the physician's assistant.
I used some Anny Blatt 'Berger' wool that I rescued from the sale bin at Right off the Sheep.  It feels great to use up yarn from my stash.  It took about 100 yards on size 6 needles, but remember that I knit loosely.  Your results may vary.

Armed with several prescriptions, I headed over to Costco where I discovered that my old prescription plan had expired and since I hadn't been sick in TWO years, this vital information had slipped my mind.  I paid cash for my prescriptions, came home, straightened out the coverage issue and returned to Costco to get my refund.  And this is my 'medicine stash':
And I still need another inhaler.  After pay day.

I did take advantage of the sunny day to take some photos of my latest projects.

The Possum Scarf:

And the Glitz Scarf that I think is destined for a charity auction in Bay Harbor later this year:

The Mint Green Rose Hill Hat I finished a week or so ago:

And finally, the Navy Button Hat with is missing something fairly obvious:
Yes!  It's missing the button.  That's where you come in.  I can't decide which button to use.  It gets sewn on the left side of the hat, where the band overlaps (the right side in this picture).  Here are the choices (so far):

#1 Briar Rose Ceramic

 #2 Briar Rose Ceramic

#3 Mystery Ceramic

#4 Raku

#5 Raku

#6 Patty Kelly Ceramic

Please help me out by choosing the button you think will look best on my hat and leave a comment.  Here's an incentive........on Wednesday, 3/10, at 8 PM EST, I will see which button has the most votes and select one person who voted for it to receive some lovely yarn.  I haven't decided just which yarn it will be but it will be enough to make a hat of your own!  Tomorrow's my birthday and provided I'm not confined to my bed -- I'll choose the yarn then and post a picture to entice you!


  1. I like #1 the best. It is really pretty and would compliment the hat, I think.

  2. Oh! And I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow. Happy birthday, dahling!

  3. Feel better! I vote for #1. Definitely.

  4. #1 is my choice.
    Take care of yourself. I know that being in bed on your birthday would be nicer if it wasn't due to illness.
    Renee xoxoxo

  5. Definitely #1. I think it is a prettiest button and the color is best. My second choice would have been #3 which is also a lovely button, but I think the white would glare.

    So my vote is for #1

    Feel better so you can really enjoy your birthday!

  6. Well here it is already tomorrow, so let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday today!

    I, like everyone else like #1 best. It will look fabulous dahling! Really.

    Have a wonderful day.

  7. Oh my birthday was yesterday. I hope yours turns out as nice as mine did.

    Well it's unanimous. My vote is for #1 also. But you knew that already and that's why you listed it first.

  8. I concur!!!

    You poor sick thing! Inhaler??? Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Susan, Happy Birthday to you!
    It sucks to be sick on your birthday ( I would know as I am sick 4/5ths of Holidays and birthdays also.) Must be a stress reaction. Hope you feel well enough to make it to the meeting!
    I LOVE the first Briar rose- Very similar to the Briar Rose buttons I put on my winter coat. Love the Briar Rose yarn and Buttons!! Kim T.

  10. Ohhh # 1 or #6 I just think they are beautiful and the colors would work well! SO HOPE YOU GET FEELING BETTER!!

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more.

    My vote is for #1 too.

  12. FEH TO BLEH! Bleh and Birthday should never go in the same sentence. I hope a good night's sleep has made you feel much better.

    Definitely #1.

  13. You KNOW you want #1 but nice to have a chance to wish you a happy birthday and win some yarn.

  14. My b-day is also the 9th (but Feb 9th). Get well soon and I hope you can still enjoy today.

    My vote is with everyone else - #1.

  15. Geez - all the buttons are beautiful, I think. But, I guess I'd also pick #1 for the hat.

    Happy Birthday and hope you're feeling better. See you at the meeting.

  16. Number 1 is my vote. I like the blues and grays in it and think it will be a great companion to your hate. Yuk on your sickness. I hope you feel better. I know I read your b-day was this week. I hope it is a good one. My son's b-day #15 is tomorrow, March 10.

  17. Happy happy birthday! Get rid of the blehs.

    And I'm with everyone else - use #1. It's the winner!

  18. All the buttons are lovely, but it seems like # 1 is the runaway favorite, and mine as well. I hope you get well quickly, to really enjoy your birtday. I notice you chose cherry cough drops, my fave as well. Next is honey lemon, because the stores never stock enough cherry.

  19. I think that there is no doubt about it - #1 is perfect for the hat.

    Enjoy your day and maybe all the awful yucks from last night will be gone today.

    I'm sure I'm old enough to be your mother, so listen to me and drink lots of hot liquids :-)

  20. I think that button #1 is definitely the way to go! Missed the meeting as well due to this nasty cold that just won't go away.

  21. hm. I think everyone is picking #1 because it is closest and easiest to see the relationship.

    I think #4 Raku would look would pick up the subtle colors in the yarn and show off nicely.

    Change the photo order and see...

    hope you're feeling better. Missed you at guild last night!


I love to read your comments!