Friday, February 26, 2010

Ready for the Weekend

I'm so ready for the weekend.  A busy week at work coupled with nasty roads most days make me look forward to kicking back and enjoying my time away from the office.

Tonight I spent the evening knitting away on my possum scarf.  I watched a few programs on TV including Clean House.  Tonight's episode was the Messiest Home in America.  And it was.  Disturbingly so.  It kind of creeps me out seeing that much filth.  I can't imagine that couple keeping their home as beautiful as it was when they finished re-making it.  Even after the yard sale and the piles that went to the dump, they still had so much junk -- dozens and dozens of containers they marked 'keep', just full of crap.  

I get in tidying moods and make headway but there are certain things I just can't seem to throw out.  I need to be more ruthless.  It comes more easily to me when Spring hits.  I'm pretty tired of the snow and looking forward to a different season.

Tomorrow I will be figuring out what to choose for my giveaway on Sunday.  It's going to be good......whatever it is!  You know you want it.........

*** Hey -- is my Comment button broken?  Anyone out there?  Buehller?   Haven't heard from anyone in a week!***


  1. we're here, silent, but anxiously awaiting your next post

  2. Waiting for the prize announcement!

    Kim W

  3. Really? you want me to stir up MORE crap?

  4. Hmmm, containers full of "crap" eh? Certainly not containers full of YARN. That's what MY containers are full of.

  5. You might need a disinterested party to help you go through your "crap". Someone to ask, "you kept this...why?" LOL

  6. Amazingly enough, today while looking for a fabric bundle for tomorrow (oops, SHHH!) I came across a quilt top I'd forgotten I had made. I think it's time to have it quilted.

    Yes, Joyce, I think I DO need some assistance from a neutral party -- volunteering?


I love to read your comments!