Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Giving it up

Today is the start of Lent for Christians around the world and traditionally you give up something you like or commit to not swearing or something like that.  I have chosen to give up something I've never given up before -- NO ALCOHOL during Lent.  No wine, no Limoncello, no beer, no nothing.  I hope these 40 days pass quickly.


  1. Good for you, Suzanne!

  2. Whoa. We talked about this the other night...I think my giving up ice cream is akin to your giving up the alcohol. Does that make us addicted? Personally, this will be a difficult 40 days....Good luck, Suzanne!

  3. I should really join you--just thinking of all the calories that could be saved could get me to do it...but ohhh...the sacrifice! Have to think about that awhile...

  4. Suzanne giving up alcohol for Lent doesn't mean she won't take a drink until Easter. . .she'll be binging on Sundays. . .she has that Catholic rule that you can break the fast on Sundays. . .whatever! :-)

  5. All I'm saying....count the days.

  6. According to Joyce, who has several in-laws who are either priests or nuns, Sundays do NOT count. I'm going with the experts here.

  7. I'll keep that in mind as I eat dead flesh representing the body of Christ this Sunday. . .

  8. Good grief Tanya - that sounds terrible (this coming from someone not of the faith that gives up something for Lent).


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