Sunday, February 28, 2010

1st Blogiversary and Giveaway !!

I am pleased shocked to be celebrating the anniversary of my first blog post.  When I began I was reasonably certain I would post on occasion and then like all of the diaries I began as a child, would run out of things to say and set it aside.  That hasn't been the case, however, and here I am, one year and almost 290 posts later, still rambling on about my love of crafts, my crazy job, and the people I care about in my life.  I really appreciate all of the kind feedback and support I've been receiving -- {{hugs}} to everyone.

My goal was to offer up a taste of my daily life and the creative process I go through to get what's in head turned into a fibery result.  Like many of you, I've got more fiber than I could hope to use in a lifetime.  It makes me think I should be spreading the love around, so I AM!

For my first giveaway ever, I've got four different prizes available.  I've been browsing other bloggers' sites to see what kind of 'rules' they have for their giveaways and I've come up with these options to get an entry into my drawing:

  1. Become a follower and leave a comment introducing yourself and you get one entry into the drawing
  2. Already a follower? -- leave a comment telling me what you've enjoyed most (or least, but be kind) about my blog and get one entry
  3. Leave a comment telling me which prize you'd like to win and why
  4. Got a blog?  Write about my giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment for one entry
Yes, it's a shameless plug to bump up my followers and comments -- I'll admit it!  You could have as many as 3 entries into the drawing.  And now for the prizes:

Prize #1 -- 12 Batiks, each a 1/4 yard (not a fat quarter), for a total of 3 yards of beautiful, bright quilt fabric ~~

Prize #2 -- A Harlequin Quilt Kit -- Fabric for the 40" by 56" top and binding (you supply the backing, thread and batting) ~~
Here are the fabrics in the packet -- it's sealed tight so they're harder to photograph but pristine ~~

Prize #3 -- A Linen Rug Hooking Pattern from Edyth O'Neill called Three Bags Full, 23 1/2" by 30"
And a close up of the ewe's head ~~

and finally..... you knew there HAD to be yarn in the giveaway:

Prize #4 -- A basket overflowing with Ultra Fine Sport Weight Peruvian Alpaca -- over 3200 yards!!  Yes, you get the basket too!

Well, now it's officially Sunday so let the comments begin!!  The contest will be open until 8 PM EST on Wednesday, March 3, 2010.  I'll be using the random number picker to keep it on the up and up.  Look for the winners' names in Wednesday night's post -- sometime around 9 PM EST.


  1. Happy Blogiversary! I have been really surprised myself at how friendly the blogging community has been to me. I didn't expect to find friends!

    What a generous giveaway! I'd love to be entered for the Harlequin quilt kit.

  2. I've enjoyed your blog because a: it sounds just like you! and b: I know things going on with you that I might not know otherwise in this busy world, where chances to talk at length don't always come on a regular basis.

    I really want that harlequin quilt kit too!!!

  3. Suzanne-Happy Blogiversary!! 290 posts!! You rock!! It's been fun getting to know you, and about your life and projects.
    Of course I'd love the yarn. My sewing days are few and far-between lately and I've been loving how yarn perks up plain wool fiber in felted objects.

  4. Wow! You are a most generous blogger! I linked through from your Rav post and do think I'll be coming back. I love the colors and the feeling that I'm getting a snippet of your everyday life. I wouldn't mind that basket of yarn, for sure! I used to use fabrics but a busy life has narrowed hobbies a bit for me. Thanks for posting about your blog. :*D

  5. Suzanne, Congrats on a whole year! Your posts have been educational, inspiring, and assuring...its nice to know others have issues with elderly parents, late to launch children, and a work life! Your talents are many and that you share so generously, truly amazing. Keep it going, Katy

  6. From Renee
    It has been my pleasure to read your thoughts and comments on your work, your kids, our family and especially feelings surrounding Dad's passing this year.
    I have learned to appreciate your lighter, humorous side to life. Sadly, I was not in the front row when the artsy genes were handed out--I only got the fartsy gene!
    Enter me for any of the prizes, since I know someone with a BDay next week.(last one before the BIG X-X!)
    Keep up the blogging, stay on course for all of your goals and enjoy the lighter side of life! Maybe this year I'll figure out how to post as myself.
    Your much older sister,
    Renee xoxo

  7. Happy Bloggiversary! What lovely and generous prizes you are offering up... choosing is hard!

    I think I would prefer the yarn as a prize... just because I knit more often than I quilt these days!

    (JoboDesigns on Ravelry)

  8. congrats on your anniversary. please enter me into the contest. i wouldn't mind any of the prizes.

  9. Holy cow, that yarn ad basket are beautiful! :) I surfed on in from Ravelry and I definitely think I'll stay for a bit :)

  10. Hi,

    Congrats on the Blogiversary! You know I want the yarn, can't sew a stitch and my hooking is pretty sad :(

    Kim W

  11. congrats Suzanne. . .nice to be able to keep track of you via this--seems like we see each other but don't talk much anymore, the hazards of a big and busy group. Can't believe no one wants the hooking kit! Hope whomever gets your prizes will love them.

  12. Yay Suzanne! Loving your blog. I'd love the quilt kit, just pulled out the sewing machine again recently and I can't put it away.

  13. Hi there! I'm already a follower! I'd love to win the batiks- they are just so pretty! Love the giveaway!

  14. Happy Blogaversary! (Blog-i-versary? I never know how to spell it!)
    I have become a follower of your blog, and think your quilts are so pretty!! I am not a quilter (don't have a sewing machine that could handle it...someday perhaps!)but the yarn looks beautiful and yummy soft - and aren't baskets like bags - you can never have too many?!!?
    I think I would make some beautiful hats.. or maybe socks.. or shawls! or.. wow.. lots of really pretty things - Thanks for the contest!

  15. I came over from Ravelry - Wow! you are one generous person. Happy Blogerversary (sp?) - if I was luckier enough, I would love the yarn. Thank you!

  16. Suzanne~
    Like most folks, I probably read your blog more than you know as I don't always leave a comment. I enjoy hearing what you are doing and how life is treating you as well as all the quilt photos you post. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more postings! Happy Blogiversary!

  17. I would love to win prize # 4, the basket and basket full of Alpaca yarn. I love quilts but I do not quilt. I knit every day. I think the Alpaca would make some lovely shawls.
    Happy Blogiversary.

  18. Happy blogiversary! I'd love to win the basket full of yarn, because I am not a quilter or even a sewer, but I do crochet, and I can think of all kinds of lovely things I could crochet with all that wonderful yarn...

    urchiken at gmail dot com

  19. Hi I'm Eva and I'm a knitaholic :0)

    I'm a new follower

  20. The fabric is beautiful but I would choose the alpaca yarn.
    It looks lovely and I would like to use it to make a shawl for a friend who isn't feeling too well.

  21. holy cow, what a lovely giveaway!

    visited here via Rav but am certainly going to browse. Went ahead and am following you via Twitter.

    If I had to choose, it'd be the yarn; the quilt kit is so pretty but I don't sew. I want to learn rug hooking, but that's been on the backburner.

  22. Hey there Suzanne,

    Happy blogiversary (?). Great to see so many comments. Interesting to follow your blog and see how much life hands you and how well you handle it.

    You know I'd be extremely happy to win the yarn, especially since I don't quilt. Not yet anyway!

    Will keep coming back even if I don't win anything. Missed you at knitting tonight. See you soon.

  23. By the way, those fabrics ARE lovely. Almost makes me wish I did quilt. Someone will be very lucky.

  24. I'm a new reader and follower who followed a link from Deb's Blog Contests. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! I'd love to win the basket of yarn. I'm a long-time crocheter and new knitter so there is definitely something great that can be made with that beautiful alpaca!

  25. It seems I condensed two entries into one comment ...

    "Leave a comment telling me which prize you'd like to win and why" As I said in my first comment, I'd love to win the yarn because I'm a long-time crocheter and new knitter. There is always something on my to-do list and so the yarn would be put to good use!

  26. I learned about your blog on Ravelry. i just started to many interesting posts in the last year. Congrats!

  27. hi! i'm cindy, i'm a follower, and i would love to win ANY of these!

  28. Congratulations on your first year, and on such consistancy in posting. I'm just days from my second blorthday, and only about 165 posts. I've just signed on as a follower.

  29. I'd love to win the yarn, like Deb from Deb's Crafts, who sent me here via her contest blog. Thanks Deb, and Sorry Deb, it's mine!

  30. I've posted about your giveaway on my blog, and to finish off the last comment I'd like to win the yarn because I love knitting with alpaca, especially such pretty colors. I love the basket as well.

  31. Congratulations! I'm
    a crotcheter, but also am trying to learn how to sew. I don't think rugs are entering my life as a priority just yet... taxchyk (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. Your blog is one of the few things I check on the internet every day! I especially enjoyed your Christmas day entry, which I think is a great example of some of the best of what you offer your readers: 1) a true appreciation of family and friends, 2) that you enjoy your craft, and 3) you always take the time to indulge in life's simple pleasures.

  33. I'm new to your blog and just became a follower. I'm going to run off now and post about it on my blog and come back for another entry.

    Congrats. I'm hopeless about blogging.

  34. I just posted on my (pathetic) blog right here:

  35. And for my third chance, I would LOVE to win the yarn, and wow do I need that!

  36. I'm another new follower who just found out about the contest and your blog.

    My birthday is this week so I am really feeling the good karma around here, PLUS I'm number 37 and my b-day is 3/7.

  37. I don't blog but I do want to win.

    I would love to win the yarn since I'm a knitter and what could be better than alpaca.

  38. I've just been reading through your blog and it's nice to see someone else dealing with some of the things I am.

    My mom will be 95 in April (and is easy to please). I'm paying for my daughter to come visit and she is thrilled as punch with the thought of that present.

    Also, you mentioned Rochester. Mom was born in Rochester NY (are you NY or Minnesota?) Funny.

  39. I just found out about your contest and blog, or blog and contest, depending on your priorities. Congratulations on your blogiversary. I think that's a great achievement!

    I don't have a g-mail account and so they don't seem to let me be an official follower. But I can follow by trundeling over here now that I know about you.

  40. I just wrote a comment wishing you congratulations, but it seems to go into the ether. Maybe it will come back.

    My first choice would be to win yarn because I have a long life ahead of me, hopefully and not much yarn.

  41. I just became a follower. I found out about the blog from my enabler Elaine. I too have all the joys and pains of an elderly mother.

    I wish there weren't so many other yarnies here since I would love to win the yarn to feed my addiction.

    The batiks are lovely, but I really don't sew except to line an occasional purse.

    And happy blogiversary and many more

  42. I just stopped by Elaine's blog to see what was happening contest-wise and voila! A chance to win yarn.

    I am now a follower and I hope entered.

  43. And I would love to win the yarn. Definitely! I'm too old to learn to sew!

  44. I see now that I didn't follow instructions. I was supposed to do a separate post with my prize choice.

    I NEEEED the yarn.


  45. I'm another follower!

    You are right that the odds are much better than the lottery, and the price of entering is right. Looks like I'm getting in under the wire.

    Happy blogiversary from someone who is incapable of blogging!

  46. Well, you can probably tell by my name that I would love to win the yarn. I just took a close look at the quilt kit and you mean to tell me that sane adults cut up those big pieces of fabric into tiny little ones and then sew them all back together. Definitely not me. The batiks are lovely though. I guess if I won that instead of the yarn that I really deserve, I could knit some really nice pillows and use the batiks as backings. Hey that sounds really good. Maybe I should win the batiks..... Either would be great. The rug I don't even understand what you do with it to be honest, so I better not win it.

  47. OK...I'm posting again for the yarn which I would give to the knitting daughters I have! LOL!~Joyce

  48. Happy anniversary! and good luck to everybody for this wonderful giveaway!

  49. I am back to let you know I would love the yarn or batik fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

  50. I'm your newest follower, so count me in!

  51. And, looking over the prize choices, I see to be in the same category as most of the other entrants - I'm a knitter and so would love the yarn basket.

  52. I'm Elaine's mother and so I don't know whether that disqualifies me, but here I am. Figuring that anyone who takes their mother out so nicely for their birthday and treats her to lots of useful things (I'm even older than your mother and can assure you that people of our age bracket love things we can use NOW - and we've probably acquired all the nicknacks and jewelry we can ever wear)

    So congratulations on your blog and being a good daughter.

  53. And since I taught Elaine everything she knows about knitting, I too would love the yarn basket. I used to sew but that was many many years ago, and it is not going to happen now.

  54. Hi, I'm a new follower come to you via Kitten With A Whiplash's blog. Congrats on your 1st year blogging! I love the quilts in you April posts, your Chickens are sure a talented bunch, you must inspire each other alot. The Beehive Hairdo contest phots were a hoot, and your Rose Tote is stunning, as are Tanya's bags. It's great that you show so much of the work your friends do.

  55. If I win I'd love the yarn. Literally love it, like take it out to dinner and a movie, picnics in the park... that kind of thing. I'd love it even more when I'd knit it into a collection of dreamy soft accessories like scarves, hats and mitts. Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway.

  56. I'm not a successful blogger - tried & failed repeatedly - but I do have a one on planet Purl. I've posted about your contest there.

    To make up for my meager blogging skills, I'd be happy to parade around town with a sandwich board advertising your blog!

  57. Happy blogiversary! :) My name is Zaneta, I just signed up to follow your blog :) What a generous giveaway! Again, Congratulations! :)

  58. I am also a knitter so i would love the knitting basket as well as everyone else lol ;) BUT, my second choice would be the harlequin quilt kit :)


I love to read your comments!