Friday, January 15, 2010

GLHQ Guild Meeting Update

It took a bit to get the photos from last night's meeting cleaned up but here they are.  As you will recall our speaker for the evening was Sue Nickels, who lives in nearby Ann Arbor.  She had a great slide show that was topped off by all of us getting to see many of her quilts in person.  Some are too heavy for her to take on airplanes to other guilds so we were quite fortunate that she lives in our backyard.

I shot many of her quilts but only have space here for my favorites, sorry.

I love four block quilts.  Say, wasn't I supposed to be working on my four block quilt??

Here's Sue's Blackbird quilt that I know I've seen in a magazine before ~~

Several years back Sue and her sister Pat Holly entered their Beatles quilt at AQS and won Best of Show.  They gave the museum their quilt in lieu of the cash award and Sue made this smaller homage for her to keep:

I love the simple but careful color choices in this medallion quilt and the execution is outstanding ~~

I wish I had taken a closer look at her border and binding -- it's amazing.

Here's another fabulous example of an applique quilt ~~

Here's a close up of the stunning binding -- I don't remember ever seeing one like this before ~~

One of my favorites that evening was the one she had hanging from the quilt frame ~~


Here's a close up of the machine quilting ~~

Oh my!  And I loved this pieced inner border ~~

Here's a shot of the corner block which also shows off the tongue border.  We studied it quite carefully to figure our how it was done.  We decided she had two bindings which were sewn down on the front and back of the quilt, over the tongues, then turned back toward the quilt and sewn down.  Phew!

Sorry for the wobbly picture but the quilt was blowing back and forth -- hard to shoot a moving target!   And here are a couple of close ups of the applique work ~~

Isn't the stipple quilting amazing?!

Well that's it for this blog post.  I'll post the Show and Tell quilts tomorrow, after your eyes have rested a bit!

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