Sunday, November 15, 2009

Better than Yesterday

I can't even count the number of skeins of yarn I wound yesterday.  Bits of this and that.  Considering that I have made over 75 hats this year, I'm not surprised.  I've got enough leftover scraps to make a good sized felted bag, once the next show is done.

I've added a yarn counter at the bottom of my blog page.  Check it out -- I discovered it on HjemmeUte's blog (see her link on the right) and thought it would be a fun way of measuring my usage.

Although I spent quite a few hours in my craft room this weekend, I'm not completely done with the clean up project.  My computer desk is still a mess and the back corner can use some more work.  Overall though, I'm satisfied -- I can see the floor again!

Compare these shots to the ones on yesterday's blog.

As important as it was to clean up the room, it was equally necessary for me to get my projects in queue into their own bags so it will be easier to move on to the next task.  I hate it when I can't track down a particular yarn I have in mind for a project or worse yet, the instructions.  Ugh.  I've got several projects lined up, just waiting their turn patiently.

1 comment:

  1. Your before photos look just like my 'craft' room. I'm so jealous of your after pictures. Maybe it will inspire me a little!


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