Monday, September 7, 2009

Tristan's Sweater

I didn't start out making this particular sweater. I originally chose a pattern from the 101 Designer One-Skein_Wonders book, called Boy-o-Boy. I thought it was pretty appropriate but alas, it was not to be. Errata (ugh) and a poorly written pattern led me to frog the completed back and right front and start all over with a tried and true pattern.  I've used this pattern from Knitting Pure & Simple before but I was looking for something different to make a sweater for my friend Diane's soon-to-be born first grandchild.  I need to trust my instincts!  This top-down cardigan with a hood is too darn cute.  You have to love top-down patterns for easy finishing -- not a single seam to sew in this hoodie!
I snapped a shot of it in progress, something I often forget to do  ~~

Here it is, finished and blocking on my patio table ~~

A couple of months ago I picked up this great mannequin from my friend Kris ~~

It's the perfect size for displaying small things, like baby sweaters!

Isn't this the cutest button ever??

While I was traipsing back and forth to the patio table someone was spying on me !

This is one bold bunny.  He remained there long enough for me to do a double take, grab my camera from inside the house and skootch up close enough to get this shot, before he went hop, hop, hopping away.

Next to my back porch the Malva have managed to migrate and flourish ~~

I love these flowers but not necessarily the bees that are attracted to them.  When Mom was over for dinner yesterday we were attacke by mosquitos.  I should say Kevin and I were attacked.  My Mom has never been bitten by any kind of insect.  No bee stings, mosquito bites, nadda.  Too bad none of us inherited that from her.


  1. The hoodie is so cute and I love the buttons.
    My daughters have bunnies everywhere where they live. First born daughter has one as a pet.

  2. This is the most adorable sweater & the buttons are too cute. I got to see it in real life. Sometimes you do have to stick with those tried & true patterns!!

  3. Thank you both for your comments. I loved knitting this hoodie -- it's my favorite quick sweater method.


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