Monday, August 31, 2009

More tomorrow...

Today is Monday.  First day of the work week.  But not for everyone.  Two more co-workers were excessed and there are more cuts to come.  Our team will be whittled down by at least 4, maybe 5 people.  No one is safe so today I packed up a bunch of things from my desk and brought them home in a 'box'.  We're always joking about coming in one morning and finding the 'box' at the side of our desk.  But the norm in my company is to present the soon to be departed employee with their 'package' with about 15 minutes left to go on a Friday.  Things could be different this time and I don't particularly want to spend a lot of time packing up in case I am one of the ones who is tapped to go.  I'll have 25 years with the company in November, if I make it that long.  Things are so tense and there is so much anxiety in our department that the decisions can't come soon enough.  Not knowing can be worse than actually hearing the news.  Those who remain will have survivor's guilt but truly, it doesn't look good for anyone to remain for all that much longer anyway.  Time for a new chapter to be written for all of us.  Sad.

1 comment:

  1. OH NO! Surely it won't be you! Think positive, and don't load up too many of those boxes. Drawer cleaning is always good tho; makes the packing easier. I at least had 6 months notice and could take my time with it! I really don't think it will be you....


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