Saturday, August 15, 2009

Busy Saturday

Today was a busy sort of day. I took the crockpot of French Canadian pea soup over to Mom's. We discussed the distribution of flower arrangements that had come home from the funeral home. I took two planters, one from Holly's in-laws and one from my Chicken quilting friends.

I'll keep the one from the Chickens but I think Holly might like to have the one from the Rajewski's. Holly gave my Mom a sympathy card and had written a very poignant note to her -- I was both proud and teary.

I left Mom's with the wooden valet that I had given my Dad many years ago -- probably about 20 years ago. She thought Kevin would enjoy using it and I know he will.

I stopped by the funeral home to pick up the last of the flowers but unfortunately only 1 vase was left and it wasn't the one I thought it was.

Next I went to the cemetery to find Dad's grave. It wasn't where I had seen the digging yesterday from the expressway but I did locate it eventually. I think it's right next to a lilac bush so that will be nice. I hope it's not bad luck/form but I took a rose from each of the three arrangements that had been placed on top of the freshly turned dirt.

I then stopped at Staples to get a black ink cartridge for my printer. I had been using an Office Depot brand cartridge that had been working fine but all of a sudden it started printing gibberish when I was trying to print errata for a knitting book that was loaded with errors. I'll have to try again now that the name brand ink cartridge is in place.

Once home I put the flowers/plants in place and decided to get my thank you notes sent out. I took them to the post office and off they went. I like to take care of tasks like that right away so I don't dwell on them.

These are the irises that were waiting for me yesterday when I got home from the funeral. They were sent by my next door neighbors.

My postcards I ordered to send out to customers to let them know about my upcoming shows arrived today. I picked up the postcard postage stamps and now need to determine who to send them to and get those off in the mail tomorrow. No time to waste with a show coming up next weekend!

I'm going to concentrate on finishing work this week with my hats and bags. No time to felt anything else before the show. I didn't knit a lick this past week. Geez, I wonder why..........

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