Saturday, April 4, 2009

Making Progress

Today was a fruitful day. I'm feeling pretty darn good at this point in the weekend. As charted out out in yesterday's blog, I:
  1. worked out at the gym (made even better because neither the cranky old man nor the chatty know-it-all woman were there).
  2. cleaned the filthy living room window, as well as the bath, and ran three loads of laundry including the fabric I recently bought on my Torch Lake trip.
  3. organized my craft room. This was a much bigger time sucker than I realized. Seems the roving has been multiplying while I have looked the other way. Now it's all neatly wound and placed in separate containers from the yarn.
  4. made a quick grocery trip -- picking up needed beer for evening activity. It was a green bottle of course, Heineken Light (a girl has to watch her figure, you know).
  5. cheered the Spartans on to victory over UConn. Very much looking forward to Monday night's game -- too bad it starts so darn late! My niece Carla is in town from Santa Barbara to watch her former school play -- I know she is sooooooooo excited. Ok, maybe part of that is her boyfriend Jeff had tickets for the game. I'm liking this guy.......
Now I noticed that I've been woefully short on pictures the last few posts so I'm loading this post up.
Before and after shots of my craft room:


The down side to organizing all my yarn, etc., is the anxious feeling I get when I think about all the 'purposes' of the yarn in my stash. Sometimes I feel like the Dunkin Donuts guy, except for me it's time to make the hats, time to make the mitts, time to make the bags., etc.

Never fear though, I still make things for me, me, me. Here's an update on my Hoodie Tunic, which only needs the sleeves and hood 'built'.

Close up of button placket

I expect to get started on the sleeves tomorrow when I'm knitting at Right off the Sheep with my friends.

I'm leaving you tonight with a picture of my favorite 5 year old, Maggie, who got her rabies shot today and is hopefully going to the groomer next week.


  1. I like the yellow walls of your craft room. And your craft room, of course. I would love to have one too :)

  2. Thanks Amoena. The walls are a mustard color, not sure if you can tell. My son thought it was ghastly at first but I don't take my color cues from him -- he's color blind!

  3. Oh, your craft room is so pretty! You look like a yarn shop. You must love going "shopping" for a new project in there!

  4. Thanks Amybel -- I do indeed enjoy searching for yarn for a new project. Sorry to say I seem to be "needing" something new from time to time, though!


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