Sunday, April 12, 2009

Catching Up

I can't make this a long post -- I'm on break from knitting my Sneaky Sheep Swap project, you know, the cashmere item. It's due on Tuesday and I've got to finish my income taxes before then too. As a matter of fact, I do remember the deadline, and no, I didn't have the urge to get them done sooner.

Last Thursday was our quilt guild meeting and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures. We had Ami Simms

lecture and while I didn't take pictures of her quilts I did manage to snap a few of our Show and Tell quilts.

These two quilts were crafted by one our of newer quilters (so sorry, I can't remember her name tonight) and are based a couple of her favorite pop culture items:

Isn't she clever???!!!

Next up is a fabulous quilt from Cathy who received the quilt top, tore it apart and re-pieced it adding the great border and quilting the finished piece.

and a close up of her blocks:

This is another great quilt from Cathy, where the top half blocks are mirror images of the bottom half blocks:

and here's a close up of those blocks:

Next up is a huge quilt Judy (a fellow Chicken group member!) finally showed, along with a close up of the blocks.

Last up, Joyce (also a Chicken) revealed her latest creation:

and a close up of her blocks:

Our guild is full of talented people. I need to re-position myself when it's time to take pictures so I am able to snap more. Sometimes I get shots that look like afterthoughts because I react too slowly and our quilt holders move too quickly, especially if they're trying to see the quilts themselves!

Well, my break is over, back to knitting......

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