Saturday, April 18, 2015

Impromptu Quilt Show Visit

My day began with my former roommate coming over to take some of his old things from my house to the recycling center -- thank goodness!  Now I can start moving things around his old bedroom so I can make room for my NEW JUKI TL2200 QVP sit down machine, which should be arriving by next Friday.  Woohoo!!  Much more to come on this new addition to my quilting arsenal.  I. Can. Not. Wait.

My friend Mary called to see if I wanted to go to a quilt show today.  Hmm....keep cleaning?  Go to a quilt show?  Of course I said yes.  My friend Sue sent me a text message a bit later about the same show.  The three of us went but each was underwhelmed by the quilts - too bad.  I didn't take any pictures - I think there were only two or three worthy of remembering.  It's sad because this guild used to put on a better show back in the day. 

I didn't buy much from vendors either.  I was able to find the paper piecing pattern that Maggie chewed up last month, damn dog.  I found several things at another vendor, including a kit for a lap quilt including the pattern book for a mere $49.99, marked down from $129.99.  I also bought a foldable fan, a cute ladybug scissor/pin/bobbin holder, and a Moda Bump to Baby jelly roll for $24.99.

Now I'm back to cleaning up Kevin's old room.  Sorry to say he never was a tidy guy and there is so much dust it's choking my vacuum!

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