Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sesame Street Madness

Last Sunday I treated my daughter and grandson to Sesame Street Live at the Fox Theatre in Detroit.  First problem was I thought it was at the Fisher Theater.  We paid to park, hurried into the Fisher Theater and snapped several pictures of the wonderful architecture.  As we neared the theater entrance it was quite apparent we were at the wrong theater!!  Yikes!!!!

We hurried back to the car and made our way to the correct theater.  As we approached the parking structure a very nice man guided us to the perfect parking spot, close to the theater.  This was very helpful considering Denver's short legs and my poor running ability.

Once inside the magnificent theater we headed to the restroom, passing loads of kids with plastic Elmo spinny-light up toys.  Of course I had to buy one for Denver.  He was mesmerized.

The show was wonderful and our seats in row D afforded us a visit by several of the show's characters.

It was such a fun afternoon.  Denver was asleep by the time we exited the parking structure!

I was never able to take my kids to such a show when they were young -- no money for things like that and their dad would never agree to such an a 'extravagance'.  Now that I'm a grandma I won't hesitate to give my grandkids a fun time like this.  Looking forward to our next adventure!

I have to say though, that there was one very strange incident.  A couple of women and their kids arrived about 30 minutes late and took their seats adjacent to me.  Not 2 minutes after they sat down the woman next to me sniffed her infant's bottom and proceeded to change his diaper ON HER LAP.  EGADS -- why in the world would anyone do such a thing in a fine theater with loads of people nearby???

1 comment:

  1. ~ cool..I remember those Sesame Street days!..EGADS is correct-->totally unsanitary :-(..glad Denver had an awesome time:-)


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