Monday, September 1, 2014

Denver turns 3

My grandson Denver turned 3 years old yesterday.  I can hardly believe it's been 3 years since that little guy entered my life and made me a Grammie.  I know every grandma thinks their grandchild is the most handsome, the smartest, the most clever boy to walk the Earth but I am so proud of this little guy.  He really is bright and amazes everyone he comes in contact with.  He's finally potty-trained and begins Montessori school this week.  He's already a better 'sharer' than at least one little girl in school!

The day he came into our lives:

His first birthday -- he loves his tractors and trucks!

Denver at 2, an excellent eater

And these are from his 3rd birthday party, held last week.


  1. ~ hbd to Denver! 3 yrs old hard to believe!.. great pics! ;-D

  2. Awww he is adorable and love those beautiful blond curls! Happy Birthday Denver!!

  3. p.s. Those are some BEAUTIFUL photos---you have the artist's eye for form & color!

  4. Thank you! I love to take pictures -- if I could wander the world, taking photographs, I would be soooooo happy!


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