Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Feeling Better

My sewing Mojo is in high gear and I need to reel it in a bit.  Too many ideas and not enough hours right now.  I think it was brought on by spending nearly every hour in bed last weekend with a wicked upper respiratory infection.  I even missed sewing on International Quilting Day on Saturday!  Egads.

I did manage to crawl out of bed long enough on Sunday to finish quilting my Perfect Balance wall hanging.  Now I'm working on a spiffy two-sided binding, which I've never done before.  I'm using a great tutorial from The Pattern Basket blog to help me out.

It's amazing that I have any cells functioning in my brain -- I spent two+ hours at the dentist today getting a crown prep and a wicked filling.  Four shots to numb me up, including that incredibly painful one in the roof of my mouth.  Now I'm thawing out and definitely feeling tired.

I think I need a good night's rest so I'm ready for a busy day at work tomorrow.  Things are crazy there and I need to be in top form!

P.S.  Keep the prayers coming for my friend's husband, who is still recovering from multiple strokes, and for my new great-nephew who came home from the hospital last Friday.

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