Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Catching Up

I've been swamped at work and feeling like the last thing I want to do is spend time at my computer -- SORRY!  

I had a fabulous weekend up north with my girlfriends and I've got loads of pictures to share.  If I didn't spend so much time on the computer at work, I'd feel a lot more like spending time at the computer at home.

I went to the doctor's this morning and you would think if you had an 8:10 am appointment you'd be out quick but NOOOOOOOO.  It was after 9 am when I left and I was really only there to get some blood drawn.  Arrrgggghhhh!

I sent a package off today to Georgia for my niece and her family.  They're expanding their family by one next Monday (wish it were Sunday -- it would be my favorite birthday present EVER!) and I put a few goodies in a box and dropped them off at the post office this morning.

I realized yesterday that I missed my Blogoversary -- how did that happen???!!!  I've been writing a blog for FIVE, count 'em, 5 years!  Many of you have been reading all along but some of you are new.  Thanks for sticking with me, even when I've lost my mojo.  It will be back once I'm done with this crazy testing at work.  I promise.

In the meantime, it's the beginning of Lent here and I've given up, gasp, buying fabric for the next 40 days.  Keep me honest -- don't. let. me. near. any. new. fabric.


  1. ~ congrats🎆on five years! ;-D

  2. That is quite an accomplishment! (The blog). Giving up buying fabric for lent???? I guess that trip to Pink Castle is off for you right now!!


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