Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Little Bit Lighter

Today I pored over my fabric stash to find pieces that would be suitable for backings for the quilts being made for the tornado victims in Oklahoma.  Would you believe I gathered up over 50 yards to donate to the cause?  Now that I'm thinking about it, I should have taken a picture of the stack!  The pieces ranged in size from 4 yards to 11+ yards.  There should be enough fabric for about 10-12 quilt backings.

I had planned to use the fabric when I bought it but you know what?  I think the 'newest' fabric was probably about 5 years old.  Obviously I wasn't going to use any of it any time soon.  I also donated a twin sized cotton batt from Hobb's Heirloom 80/20 line and 6 spools of variegated quilting thread.  Karen said she loves to use variegated thread so there you go!

I also delivered the quilt I finished on Saturday.  Sorry Eddie -- I should have said it would be good for a male of any age. :*)  Karen was very happy to see all of the items in my tote bag and I was very happy to have all of it out of my house!

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