Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Back to the Grind

My weekend up north was waaaay too short!  I had so much fun with my girlfriends and was so busy cutting fabric and sewing that I never even took a picture of the group.  What a putz!

We had wonderful food, a few libations, lots of laughs and plenty of fun.  The weather did not cooperate when I wanted to take a sunrise picture so I guess that will have to wait for next time.

While visiting my sister Denise and her husband Mike, I did manage to have a few pictures taken on my camera by Mike.  Amazingly it was chilly enough in June to warrant a fire in the fireplace:

Denise's picture was the only good part of a picture with me and our Mom:

And this is as good as it got for all three of us:

I look as dreadful as I feel.  See all those rolls and the extra chin???  All of it HAS to go!!!  Ughh!

Isn't this hummingbird beautiful??!!

I had a phone interview this afternoon with a company I would very much like to work for.  Keep your fingers crossed please!  I also received two emails from former coworkers alerting me of openings at MetLife -- not sure I could go back a third time.  What would you do?

1 comment:

  1. ~ luv the pics!..ewe, Denise, and your mom took a lovely picture..btw ewe look fine!..I will keep my fingers crossed for ewe on the phone for snoopyville if it's in your <3 do -- if not don't..something ewe luv to do :-) will find ewe! ;-D


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