Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Blogoversary Giveaway!

Ta-daa!  It's finally here.  My 4th Blogoversary Giveaway!  No fancy-shmancy rules here -- just leave me a comment with one of your crafty goals for 2013.  Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!  

Prize #1 -- Five skeins of Araucania Azapa yarn, 30% Alpaca, 45% Merino, 15% Silk, 10% Donegal -- nearly 1000 yards!!!

Prize #2 -- Knitter's Pride Dreamz Sock Needle Set, sizes 0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 !!!

Prize #3 -- Four Knitting Patterns from Iknitiative:

I'll be drawing the winners on Sunday, March 1710, 2013 at 7 pm EST.  Don't forget to change your clocks on Sunday if you live in the U.S.  I will give each of the three names drawn by the chance to choose their prize from the three pictured above.  Good luck!

ETA:  Fixed the end date.  I had my weeks mixed up!!  I couldn't possibly wait that long to hand out the prizes!!



  1. Does number 1 ever get chosen? Congratulations on four years!
    My 2013 goal is to actually find my machine in my sewing room! LOL!
    Joyce in MI

  2. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

    My newest goal is to get lots more practice with yarn dyeing. I tried it a few weeks ago and am hooked.

  3. Congratulations on four blogging years! My 2013 crafting goal is to finish my WIPs and use up a lot of my yarn and fabric stash. My email: livinglavidanormal AT gmail DOT com

  4. Congrats on four years of blogging! I don't really set official goals, but unofficially I hope to release more patterns and blog more regulary, both of which are off to poor starts.

  5. knitmish on RavelryMarch 7, 2013 at 2:47 AM

    Congrats on your 4th anniversary! Those are some really nice prizes you have for us to win. My goal for this year is to finish at least one of the two sweaters that I have on the needles. Both were started last year and I just keep putting them aside, even though I'd love to wear them :) Gotta give myself a big push and stop finding gorgeous shawl patterns that distract me all the time :)

  6. Hey Suzanne Congrats on 4 years!!! Wooh Hooh!
    I'm looking forward to knitting a top for my daughter!
    Rachael P.

  7. What a mile stone! You have kept up with your blog for 4 year which is something I was not able to do. Can't wait to see what the next four will bring.

  8. What gorgeous (and generous)prizes! One of my big goals is to release at least 7 patterns this year. :-)

  9. Congrats! I have been happily reading you blog for a long time now and look forward to many mare years! I guess I will continue to try to knit from stash only. I have done it steadily for the past few years and truthfully it doesn't seem to be making a dent. It sure is nice to be able to continue to be self suficient though. Kim T

  10. Congradulations! I learned the basics of how to crochet in 2012, and hope to expand on it for 2013. My BIG goal for 2013 is to learn how to knit.

  11. Oops, please contact me at
    firefox 9 (at) prodigy (dot) net if I am lucky enough to win, fingers crossed.

  12. Congrats on 4 years!!!

    I'd like to knit my Philosopher's sweater this year.

  13. Congrats!

    I just want to knit as many FOs as possible and make some time for sewing.

    Wow, I love the yarn and needles.

    StaceyKnitsIt ravelry

  14. My crafty goal is to get all the patterns I've designed to date up on Etsy and to continue to design more. All while making gifts for my family, of course!


  15. Wow! Four years...congratulations! Your prizes are very generous and beautiful. My crafty goal for 2013? I'd like to try to have more time for spinning. I did a little bit recently and my yarn sort of looks like a beginner project. I need more practice!!!

  16. Congratulations on your blog's anniversary! May you have many more happy posts ahead.
    My goal for this year is to just keep on knitting socks and other wonderful things, all the while whittling down my bottomless stash!

  17. ~ congrats on 4 years! ;-D


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