Thursday, October 4, 2012

Beautiful Day

I finished sewing the binding on my new quilted jacket this morning and got it washed and dried.  I was a bit worried about a few things:  bleeding, shrinking, shredding.  All for not.  I'll take a picture of it and post tomorrow as soon as the lighting is favorable.

My fingers were pretty sore today once I finished with my jacket.  I think I know my limitations -- small handwork is a bit too taxing.  I can machine stitch all I like, though, so that's what I'll be doing!

Today was a beautiful day, sunny and warm.  Probably the last we'll see of temperatures like that until next Spring.  I lugged 104 books and 34 magazines over to the Royal Oak Public Library and donated them.  Next I dropped off 4 bags of miscellaneous items to the Salvation Army.  I'm feeling much 'lighter' thanks to this!

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