Friday, August 31, 2012

Busy Week

I've had a pretty busy week for someone who is out of work, again.  I'm not sure how I could work and get all I need to do done.  Most of my efforts this week have been related to quilting.  

I needed to get a location for the November workshops and decided on using the church where that month's meeting is to be held.  I ordered more rack cards from Vistaprint to broadcast our schedule for the year and some business cards that will serve as membership cards for members who need a card to get the 10% discount at Joann's.  I sent updates for the website to our webmistress, who's vacationing in the Bahamas this week - poor thing!  Next I organized the speaker addresses for our correspondence secretary so she can send out the thank you cards I had printed by Vistaprint in the spring.

Tuesday I had lunch with my Chicken friend Sue at my favorite restaurant of late, Vinsetta Garage, and we had the exact same thing, Chop Shop Salad, Iced Tea, and split a side of their fabulous, did I say fabulous?, macaroni and cheese.  Then we headed down to Material Girls in Dearborn, where we both managed to find a *few* fabrics we had to have.  I bought 3 more spools of the 60 weight 3 ply Presencia thread and when I got home I discovered two of the three colors I already had!  Guess I have plenty to quilt with now.  Our Chicken Stitch Group met that night and it was nice to get caught up with the ladies.

Wednesday I had my orientation meeting with the outplacement firm and met someone who told me I should apply at the company he just left.  Hmmm.  Sue's husband works for the same company so I know it's a good place to work.  We'll see.  This finding a job thing is a job in itself!  I've got one agency sending me jobs and the guy is clueless about what I can do.  I'm about to give up on them.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my dentist for my occlusal guard check up.  I've been faithful about wearing it every night except for one when I forgot and went to bed without it.  After the appointment I finished sewing the last of the borders on my grandson Denver's birthday quilt.  Good thing -- today is his first birthday!  

Today I got the first oil change done on my Focus.  While I was waiting I wandered over to the used car lot to see if they had anything for my roommate.  They have the perfect truck for him and I hope he gets it.  He works so many hours that he can't even look for a new truck but I'm hoping we can swing the deal next week before someone else snatches it up!

I'm off to baste and quilt Denver's birthday present, which I will give to him at his party on the 9th -- good thing I've got a little buffer to complete it.  Then I have one more baby quilt to finish and then???????

In the mean time I'm swatting nasty fruit gnats -- any suggestions for ridding my house of them?  Besides putting the fruit in the fridge, which I've already done.  I'm walking around the house with my swatter -- going nuts!

Hope you have a great weekend!

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