Saturday, June 9, 2012


It's going to be a steamy, hot weekend around here so I decided to head out early and get my chores done.  First stop was Café Muse in Royal Oak -- one of my faves.  You can't go wrong with their delicious menu.  Surprisingly not packed either at 9:30 but still the 2 seater tables were full inside so I sat outside.  Remember, I said it was going to be hot this weekend!  I went through 2 1/2 glasses of ice water!  But it was all worth it for this delicious fried egg and Irish potato hash special:
Everything about it was unbelievably tasty -- definitely adding it to my favorites list.  Next up was the Clay, Glass, and Metal show, also on Washington Avenue this weekend.  Although it's going to be warm, at least they haven't predicted any nasty weather, which so often hits this great show.  There are all kinds of artists there with a wide variety of price points.  There's something for everyone.  I stopped at my friend Marcia Hovland's booth.  She's so whimsical!
I love her new flower pots:

  One of the newer activities is the mosaic tile art project for the Royal Oak Public Library.  
For a small donation you can select a paper cup of broken tile pieces from the various artists and place them into the community mosaic tile project, which will be on display at the library when completed.  I picked a cup that included the peace sign made by Marcia:

I'm such a dippity doo -- I think I forgot to set the gold and brown tiles that were in my cup, leaving them on the board for someone else.  Such a dope!

It's a beautiful, sunshiney day but too hot for me to linger.

A couple of artists were doing demonstrations during the show.  A glass blower was getting fired up and the potter below was getting ready too.  Something about the heat just made me keep walking, though.

These potted flowers were near the entrance to an apartment building nearby where my grandfather lived more than 75 years ago -- amazing!

At my last stop for the day, I picked up dog food and treats for Maggie at my favorite pet store, Premier Pet Supply, and returned home to gear up for an afternoon of serious sewing in the air-conditioned comfort of my living room.

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