Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter/Passover/Sunday!!

I hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I'm cleaning my desk today!  I had brunch with my Mom and roommate this morning so my tummy is full until dinner time.

When I was a kid, many moons ago, Easter always meant getting a spiffy dress with matching coat and hat, and new patent leather shoes.  I was never allowed to wear the shoes until the special day arrived -- but no one said I couldn't sleep with them on and so I did!  I loved the baskets of candy, visits with my grandparents, and a wonderful ham dinner with everyone.  Each year we'd have a family picture taken by my Mom in front of our magnolia tree.  Like I said, so many moons ago.

I found a website by Jamie Oliver that is full of great recipes and tips.  Watch the 'Health and Safety Activity Video' and see how many things you can point out that are just flat-out wrong in the kitchen!  Bet you wouldn't eat at this gal's house!

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