Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cinci Show

I asked my Chicken friends to go but in the end, I went alone.  The International Quilt Festival was paying its annual visit to Cincinnati and I decided I needed to go so off I went Saturday morning.  My main goal was to touch base with two of my speakers for next guild year, who were teaching at the show.

It rained cats and dogs most of the way down so my travel time was a bit long.  I made the mistake of stopping for lunch at a Chick Fil A somewhere near Dayton.  Not that the restaurant was a mistake -- it was the busload of college softball players who cluttered the counter area and seemed to be in their own little world, oblivious to the fact the I was in a hurry to get to the show!  Imagine that!!

Once I arrived at the show I was immediately consumed by the joy that only comes from being in the midst of beautiful quilts and fabulous vendors.  Ahhhhhh!  Many of the quilts had 'no photographs' signs beside them, alas, so here are some I could take pictures of.  The first few are from an Australian exhibit:

I love this one with all the mini-baskets:

Isn't this capelet exquisite??!!:

I'm fascinated by photo quilts.  The details that the artist captured are simply amazing:

This is what the show looks like once everyone has cleared the floor:

It's a darn good thing I got there as late as I did.  Oh, the damage I could have done......

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