Saturday, March 17, 2012

Ooops I Did it Again

Yesterday I wrecked my neck again and it's really hurting me.  I'm nursing it back to good health with the exercises the therapist taught me and laying off the yard work I had planned to do.  Taxes, yes taxes, really need to get done today.  It's so beautiful outside it's making me want to put doing them off until later today when it's dark outside.  I'll be much happier once I'm done so after a few errands, I'll be back at the computer, knocking them off.

It's St. Patrick's Day and many, many people are already at the pubs, downing green beer.  I think I'll just use my coupon for a free birthday dinner at Lockhart's and see what they're serving up for this holiday.  In the meantime, I found the perfect road trip for my Chicken group -- in Ireland.  Check it out -- great teachers, classes, tours, quilts, vendors -- woohoo!

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