Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's Back

My crafting mojo is back.  Yesterday I went to the quilt guild's Mystery Quilt Day with my Chicken friends and we had a super time.  We got a really serious snowfall overnight so it was tough sledding in the morning.  My roommate's truck wouldn't start so he needed my car to get to work.  Since I wasn't the chauffeur for the day, it worked out just fine.

I took my AccuQuilt Go with me but I had already cut up loads of wool so I really didn't need to drag it along.  I worked on making wool flowers which will either become pins for sale at my fall shows, or end up on a wool quilt that's still in the dream stage.  It felt great to get something creative done.  I'm so done with cleaning up around the house.  Even though my kitchen still needs organizing, especially since I bought more storage containers today, I will keep on using my right brain to make more flowers.  It sure is more fun than cleaning.....


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