Monday, January 2, 2012


Oh good Lord!  I'm finally done with the clean up project in my bedroom!!  Who knew it would take me this long?  Certainly not me!  I thought I'd be done days ago and moved on to some fun sewing or knitting projects.  But it had to be done and here are the after shots:

Close up of the new Expedit I bought late yesterday and put together this morning:
I've discovered the key to getting out of IKEA sooner rather than later, is to get there within 15 minutes of closing.  That way you have no time to dawdle and have no choice but to zoom through the store!

Yes, I've made great headway.  I've got lots to do now in my craft cave:
Tomorrow is another day, right Scarlett???

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! (or is it Brava?), Sister! What a great way to start the New Year!


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