Friday, November 18, 2011

Jump Start

I had originally planned to attend the Plymouth Potters' Guild show tomorrow but since I was part way there today at work, I decided to head out tonight instead.  I'm glad I did.  My goal was to peruse some new buttons an artist was supposed to have ready for me but none of the colors were right.  I did find a pin from a different artist that might do the trick.  I'll know more once I finish felting the lemon drop purse.

As long as I was on that side of town, I decided to hit IKEA too.  Believe it or not I didn't buy a single thing.  Unless you count dinner, which was the kid's meal version of their Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes.  Yummy!

Tomorrow I need to run a few errands, including getting my minivan washed, and then I HAVE to get going on knitting some hats to felt in time for my last show of the year in two weeks.  My hands are aching at the thought of all that knitting but I really do need to have felted hats available.

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