Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Town Hall Quilt Show #3

Here are the last of the quilts I captured at Saturday's show.  I hope you've been enjoying them!
The first two are wool mats -- makes me want to whip up my own!

I absolutely l-o-v-e this one:

Here's a wonderful holiday wallhanging by Norma Crowton:

Of course I HAD to snap a photo of this chicken quilt:

Another great Sue Spargo inspired wool/cotton wallhanging:

This one was really slick with its raw edge shapes:

I always enjoy a good quilt show but they do leave me feeling like I should get out my sewing machine and make some magic!  Perhaps one of the goals of a quilt show IS to inspire you so I guess in that respect, this show was successful!  Sew much to do, sew little time. :*)

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