Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh My Stars

I'm so stinking busy I can hardly stand it!  Right now I should be folding the clothes I washed for my business trip tomorrow.  I'm trying to get caught up on email, Facebook, etc. -- just not enough hours in the day.

I traveled home from Charlevoix today, picking up the headlight I need to repair my minivan from the 'hit and run' deer incident.  I stopped to see Holly, Mike and baby Denver.  Oh, my goodness -- he's cuter than before and getting so big.  That's what happens when you miss out on three weeks of his life!

I tried to get the headlight installed but apparently there are a few broken mounts and possibly damage to the front quarter panel.  Not enough to call in a claim, I can handle this one.  I'll have to return to Belle Tire on Saturday to get everything installed.

In the meantime, I'm packing for New Jersey and trying to get a handle on everything.  So much to do, so little time!

More later..............

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