Sunday, October 23, 2011

GLHQ Studio Tour

Yesterday 7 of my Chicken friends and I meandered from home to home, viewing the quilt studios of 6 different members of the GLHQ guild.  It was a fundraiser and while we had hoped for 200 attendees, we managed to garner about 90.  A great first effort for this project and I think that if we do it again, the positive feedback from this year's go-round will help bolster additional ticket sales next time. 

Each studio was unique and I took pictures where I could.  Everyone had great ideas on using their space to maximize quilting enjoyment and several offered up various tips.  Of course, there were lots and lots of quilts and other textile projects to see, too!

These first three are from Elaine's home.  The portrait of the woman was from last week's workshop with Aniko Feher.

This is one of my early rug hooking projects that Cathy had purchased at the guild's holiday bazaar one year:
Cathy is super patriotic with loads of flag related items grouped together.  Her son Nick just returned from his third tour of duty in Afghanistan -- safe and sound, thank goodness.

These are six of Cathy's antique quilts, layered on a table:

The next four photos are from Nancy's home.  Guess why I love the first two so much!!

We had a great time -- the weather was FINALLY nice!!
Carol, Joyce, Sue, Judy, Kathy, Pat, and Debby -- great group of friends.  We switched passengers several times so everyone had a chance to visit.  Pat found out the night before that there was a new quilt shop on our route -- we HAD to stop there.  Michelle opened Fabric Affair a couple of weeks ago so she had limited fabric but most of us made a purchase and welcomed her to the quilting community.

Michelle is a full-service Bernina dealer so I expect that she'll be seeing a lot of business from our group.  I haven't had my machine in for service since I bought it 5 6 years ago -- don't hit me Mary!!!

I bought this fabric:

to make a quilt for Denver, who is now 7 weeks old!!!

Each of us received great prizes given out by Joyce along the way.  I got a packet of Moda fabric from their 1974 line and a bottle of Mary Ellen's Best Press -- woohoo!!!

Our last stop of the day was fellow Chicken member Diane's home.  Her studio is a loft above her family room and it's amazing!  Fabulous lighting, great views, and plenty of space to work.  I'm so jealous!

I love this antique J.P. Coats thread cabinet:

Diane had a giveaway table full of things she uncovered while straightening up her studio.  We all obliged by taking several things home.  I scored a piece of red flannel to use in my Sock Monkey Quilt for Denver.

It was a marvelously relaxing way to spend a Saturday after all the rushing around with my show and business trip lately.  Now I have to get to work cleaning my craft cave.  I'll be sequestered for the rest of the day.  I've taken the 'before' pictures and will share the misery with you once I have the 'after' pictures.  Hope you have a great day!


  1. While the quilt-related photos are great, I most enjoyed the shot of baby Denver! What a cute kid!

  2. Thanks Eddie -- he's getting so big, so fast!

  3. ~luv the patriotic rug hooking..the thread cabinet was neat..I have to agree w/Eddie the ---Denver pic was the best!..he is so adorable!..can't wait to see his monkey quilt made by g'ma! ;-D


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