Saturday, October 29, 2011


I love buying books on fiber.  Never mind that many never result in a finished project.  That's not the point, right Joyce??  My roommate told me yesterday that one time he actually counted the books on my two bookcases and there were nearly 300 books.  Nooooo, I said, I'm sure you're wrong!  Of course I was certain because I knew he hadn't included the books in the entertainment center, or the books on the shelves in the laundry room, or the books in the hallway, or the books in my bedroom and craft cave.

I'm always looking for new books with beautiful projects and new ideas.  I spotted 'Quilt it With Wool' by Nathalie Mornu at the Spinners Flock Fleece Fair last month.  I thumbed through it and while I loved many of the projects, the book had some damage so I passed on it.  But I didn't forget about it....

When I saw it on Amazon I HAD to get it.  Not only would it be in pristine condition, it was insanely cheap -- $8.56 instead of $21.95 !!!!  But of course, since you have to spend more than $25 to get free shipping from Amazon I had to get a second book.  I looked through their suggestions and decided on 'Pennies From Heaven' by Gretchen Gibbons.

Both books are filled with do-able projects, fabulous photos, and wonderful ideas.  Now if I only had more hours in my days......


  1. I love quilts...but I can't seem to cut pieces in a good uniform way. Maybe crazy scrap quilts is the way to go? I think these books look wonderful. And one can never have too many craft books in my opinion.

  2. Yes, Suzanne, one cannot have too many books! ;) I would love to take a look at the new ones you have. Remember to bring them to next group!

  3. I KNEW my friends would be on MY side on this issue!


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