Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Today was my Door to Door Organics delivery day.  They usually have some leaf lettuce on the list and I change it out every time, usually for fruit.  I should just put it on my do-not-send list.  Instead I asked for more of the Starkrimson Pears -- they are SO good!

I was supposed to get some bananas but they weren't up to snuff so they didn't send them and instead credited my account.

Yesterday I had a different substitution.  My regular barber went on his honeymoon Saturday for a week and I desperately needed to have my hair done this week before I leave for my business trip.  Kyle set me up with Lyle (not making this up, I promise) who also works at the Berkley Chop Shop.  Kyle left very explicit instructions for Lyle and assured me everything would be fine.

I don't know when I've had a more nervous cut & color.  I felt bad for Lyle and I suppose threatening him with great bodily harm if he stained my face was not the best way to start the process.  My pet peeve is having someone be reckless with the hair dye and getting it all over my skin, leaving the tell-tale sign for all to see.  I'm pretty sure Lyle broke the record for slowest cut & color.  I was there for 2 hours and 15 minutes and I was his last client of the day.  On the positive side, the shampoo was great -- massaged the heck out of my scalp.  Too bad the water rolled down my back, soaking my t-shirt.  No biggie.  The color turned out fine and the haircut looks fine, so all is right with the world.

I really appreciate Lyle taking care of me.  I think he was out of his element but he was a trooper and I'm sure he was relieved when I left the shop.  Tomorrow when I wash my hair myself I'll be able to tell how well the cut & color turned out.

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