Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Gloomy Weather Day

Today's weather was pretty darn nasty.  Cold and rainy all day long.  Would have been a great day to crash on the couch.

Holly took Baby Denver to the doctor for his 1 week check up.  He has gained 7 ounces in less than a week.  Woohoo!  I'm trying to lose weight and he needs to gain -- maybe we can work a deal here, eh?  The doctor also said he no longer has a heart murmur -- even better news.  Holly sent me a photo on my cell phone -- he's just so crazy cute!  Wish I could post it here -- anyone know how?

I was going to go to the gym tonight but I let the weather change my mind.  I know, the gym is INSIDE but I just didn't want to go back out again.  See.....this is why I probably need to work out before work.

Tomorrow is a super busy day -- first GLHQ meeting and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all of the anniversary logo stuff shows up on time.  Right now the mugs and water bottles are in Indianapolis according to the UPS website.  Come on guys -- step it up a bit for me please???  The garments that are being embroidered?  Well, I'm not so sure about their readiness.  The guy gave me a little attitude last week so I may just be bring the catalog pages to show everyone.  Hope I'm wrong there.


  1. I use Blogpress to publish from my phone - tanys

  2. I had a gym membership for a year and did the same thing. I'd tell myself it was cold and rainy and come home! LOL It's mighty hard to work full time and work out too! Good luck!


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