Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Evening Blues

I never seem to get as much done on the weekends as I hope.  I did manage to do a lot of tidying up -- cleaned my bedroom and organized all my wayward knitting needles.  Cleaned the kitchen table and washed the linens.  Washed the rugs from my room, the entry, and the bathroom.  Finished two earflap hats and started a third.

But still it seems likes there's so much to do.  There's always next weekend.

I did take some pictures of the weaving shuttles that my uber-talented brother in law Mike made for me:

He made them from walnut and showed me how to oil them -- something that will keep them in fabulous condition for years to come.  

Mike is also a very talented photographer.  He takes workshops and continues to perfect his craft.  Right now he's down in Atlanta, photographing the PGA tournament.  Next up is a trip to Iceland next month to shoot the Northern Lights.  Do yourself a favor and visit his website to see more of his outstanding work.

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