Thursday, August 4, 2011

So Darn Tired

Today was another really rough day at work.  I have so much to do, I may never see daylight.  I need to get into the office early tomorrow so I can make an earnest effort to get some questions answered from the offshore team.  Most are simple questions that they'd be able to answer themselves if they read their documents thoroughly.  Very frustrating for me as I am behind on tackling the new work.  Too much work + too little time =  unhappy Suzanne.

No time to knit.  No time to weave.  Thank goodness my friend Eddie could have dinner with me so I could vent.  I was near a melt-down moment today.  I need to find my big girl pants and roll up my sleeves tomorrow. There is no other option.


  1. I have every confidence that you will get through this. Thanks for dinner!

  2. ~u will succeed!..tgif! ;-D

  3. Thanks Eddie and Tracey! I appreciate the encouragement. And Tracey -- just so you know, we went to Zumba!! MMM, MMM, good!

  4. ~fish tacos..yum! ;-D


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