Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fabulous Saturday

Today I drove out to see my very pregnant daughter Holly and her husband Mike.  Originally I had intended to take my Mom out to see her but her blood pressure is out of whack again -- Friday's reading was 188 over something so her doctor had instructed her to stay home this weekend.

Instead I picked up some lunch at Chicken Shack and made the 50+ mile trek out to see the kids.  Lunch was dee-lish and afterwards Holly showed me the baby's room:

Mike did a great job painting the room and it looks ready for Denver to make his appearance.  Holly is feeling great but I swear she doesn't look 9 months pregnant:
They gave me a tour of their gardens, which are doing very well this year:

Dottie looks like she's having fun:

Recognize this???
Yep, and Mike has had a bad case of poison ivy!

Here's Dottie cooling off in the pond.  She likes to sit in it!

And here's Mike in the middle of the front garden:
 Notice all the sunflowers in the back??

We went to the Michigan Festival of Gourds in Imlay City with Mike's parents.  Who even knew there was such a festival?!

Among all the various gourd products they had this wonderful piece on display:
Isn't this 'quilt' great???

 Close up of Santa:
Amazing work in this piece.

From the festival we headed back to Holly and Mike's house, stopping at a local produce stand adjacent to a small farm.  I picked up amazing bargains.  I got a head of broccoli, 3 giant green peppers, 1 cantaloupe, and 6 red plums for $5.50!  I also bought some peaches at the gourd festival (I know!) plus Mike gave me corn, potatoes, beans, cukes, beets, banana peppers, hot peppers (for Kevin) from his gardens.  I'm all set!  I think I might make some stuffed peppers for dinner tomorrow and with all this great produce I better eat it up.  Tuesday is my Door to Door Organics delivery day!

I had a marvelous day with Holly and Mike.  That's the longest I've spent with them since......ever, I think!  I can't wait for Denver to get here -- I'm on pins and needles until he does arrive!


  1. Nice photos. I hope Holly continues to feel good. She looks wonderful. I'm sure they can hardly wait for Denver to arrive, as I'm sure Grandma is anxious too.

  2. Is that extra bed in the baby's room for Grandma? :)
    Holly looks wonderful! We can't wait to hear the great news!!!

  3. You must be so excited. Your daughter looks marvelous for being so close to the end. Keep us posted on Baby Denver's arrival!

  4. Holly looks great---she's a tiny woman & has a lot of baby! Cute baby room & looks like they have a great garden. Lastly, what was that quilt made from? At first I thought it was tiles, then saw the close-ups & the odd stitching. Very interesting! Fun day...

  5. The 'quilt' is made from gourds! They were all painted, etched, carved, etc.

  6. Joyce -- I think the bed in the baby's room is for Holly or Mike. The extra bedroom has a twin bed and the bassinet that has been handed down several generations from Mike's family.


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