Monday, May 30, 2011


I know today was Monday but it sure felt like a Sunday.  I started the day with Blogger issues.  Lost the site counter I'd been using for ages -- it just up and went away.  Good thing I knew what the count was for visitors.  I spent quite a bit of time trying to find and load a new counter.  Not that I establish my worthiness by the number of visitors I get but it's just a kick to see the numbers roll along.

Something else is on the fritz with Blogger.  I can't seem to sign out.  When I click on that link it looks like I've logged out but when I open the blog back up, I'm still signed in -- argh!  Even after I shut down and power back up it's still the same - double argh!

I wasted spent 2 hours putzing on the computer this morning and by the time I got a shower in and headed out the door to see my Mom it was noon.  I picked up some Boston Market goodies for us for lunch, knowing the leftovers would be good for at least a couple of meals for her this week.

It was stinkin' hot today - 90º F - so I wasn't about to spend much time outdoors.  I stopped at the cemetery to visit my Dad and the ground was so saturated some of the markers were covered with rain water.  The cemetery was full of visitors and flags flying everywhere -- so nice to see.

I started working on woven scarf #10 when I got home.  I decided to put twice the normal length of warp on the loom so that I can weave #11 when I get to the end of #10 without having to re-load the warp.  Not sure how that's going to work since the entire length of warp was only 188" long, about 12" shorter than I anticipated.  Must have involved some faulty math there.  Could be some short fringe coming up.  

I managed to get about 24" woven before I decided I'd had enough.  So my mini-vacation was pretty productive since I got 4+ scarves woven.  Now it's back to the grindstone tomorrow.....

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