Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

It rained cats and dogs around here today.  I took a half vacation day since I had a dental appointment this afternoon, and it rained and rained all day.  I was lying on my back in the dental exam chair, getting my teeth checked, when the power went out!  Well, that was interesting.  There's something unsettling about a dental hygienist with power tools in her hands in MY mouth during a storm full of lightning!  The power came back on and I completed my exam. 

The roads are flooded all over, including my street in spots.  This is when I'm glad I don't have a basement!  Apparently I'm not meant to weed my flower beds, right?  I've taken a few vacation days so I'm off work until Tuesday -- yeehaw!  But from the looks of the weather report I'll be hunkering down, weaving, cleaning and getting caught up around the inside of the house.  I'm looking forward to getting a few things woven while I'm off and I'll try to post some progress pictures tomorrow.

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