Thursday, April 14, 2011

Over the Moon

Tuesday night was knit guild and it was our Sneaky Sheep Swap reveal.  I made a scarf using KFI Bubbles and Anny Blatt mohair for my recipient:
I made it for member Sue Hall, who I don't recall ever meeting and who missed the meeting, so I still don't know her!  My secret knitter was Diane, who made this fabulous neck gaiter and matching fingerless mitts:

Diane used Fleece Artist's Blue Faced Leicester wool -- one of my favorites!

But as delighted as I was about my exchange, I was over the moon happy that this arrived while I was at work:

This was inside:

Still wondering what it is that's got me so giddy????  IT'S A RIGID HEDDLE WEAVING LOOM!  I also got a stand to go with it and hopefully I'll be weaving on it before too long.  My quilting friend Kristi has offered to show me how to warp it and get going and she's also going to help my friend Kate warp her floor loom (hear that Kate?)  We'll be cranking woven lovelies out in no time, right?

Saturday morning I'm picking Kate up and then Harriet and we're heading out to Highland for the Black Sheep Weavers Guild Spring Fling, show and sale.  Woohoo!  It might be raining cats and dogs but I won't care.  I'm ready to absorb everything about this new-to-me craft.  I'm hoping it might help me crank out scarves faster and possibly (ok, I'm realistic, not likely) use up some of my yarn stash.


  1. oh you're gonna get me moving on this finally! I would love to get set up. looking forward to saturday...

  2. I've got to find what I have somewhere in my laundry room. Think it's some kind of small weaving loom that I used many, many years ago when I lived in Chicago. Maybe I'll bring it along on Saturday for you guys to look at. See ya!

  3. The scarf is beautiful! Congrats on the loom. I love the idea of weaving...but I'm doing too many other things. I can't wait to see what you'll produce! Keep us posted.


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