Friday, April 22, 2011

Make a Difference

Today is Earth Day and if everyone on the planet changed just one thing that would be 6 billion changes.  That's a big number and so easy when you think you just have to commit to things like using cloth grocery bags, drinking tap water, planting a tree or combining errands on the same day.

I watched this video and it made me really think -- how easy it is to make a difference in someone's life, even someone you don't even know.

Tonight I'm taking my quilting friend Carol (Carol had to bail on me, literally) Mary to hear the Detroit Chamber Winds play at Hagopian Rugs in Birmingham.  We're going to the new Olga's Fresh Market Grille restaurant first.  Then we can knit while the clarinet quartet entertains us.  Should be a nice, relaxing evening for both of us.

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