Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Smell a Rat

Literally.  I have slept poorly for the past several nights.  Last night I got home late from my quilt stitch group meeting, did some more work on the treasurer's report, then started my virus scan after getting a threatening pop up supposedly from Google.

Then the thunderous rain storm struck and I was in panic mode that the virus scan was still running and my computer could get fried from a lightning strike.  Thank goodness the scan finished without any clean up required and I headed to bed about 1 am.

But then, it started to permeate.  It wafted through the heat register into my bedroom.  The unmistakable smell of ........a dead rat.  Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  It wasn't completely unexpected though it certainly wasn't welcome.  I live in the city, near restaurants, a Legion hall, and a party store -- duh!   I had Terminix come out on Monday to 'take care of things' and apparently it worked.

I hurried into the bathroom to retrieve the air freshener and sprayed here and there all over the house.  When I finally put my head on my pillow, the thunderstorm was still carrying on but I was tired enough to drift off to sleep.

Terminix is coming back on Monday to remove the carnage.  Seems my roommate, who was here when the exterminator was here, neglected to ask when they'd come back, believing HE would have to go into the crawl space to retrieve the carcasses.  I called today and got him off the hook.  Until then, my register will be CLOSED!


  1. Nothing like the smell of decomp--we've had mice and they sometimes die in the walls. Nasty! Glad the rat guys can come clear it away for you.
    take care,

  2. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, indeed!

    That thunderstorm made the doggies nuts and they went charging off the bed and barking their heads off every time they heard the thunder. So much fun. NOT! Couldn't get to sleep until the 3d wave of storm swept through, around 1 am.

    Sorry about the rat small though. Hope it's gone by now.


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